Atiim Chenzira’s work titled ‘Destiny Manifest’ is a seven-part multi-media art piece utilizing his poetic spoken-word and Hip Hop lyricism to explore his ancestral experience. His expressive storytelling highlights this familial journey from the East Coast to the West and back. ‘Destiny Manifest’ interweaves Atiim’s personal journey as a husband, father, and “new Mainer,” into his American experience with the larger issues of racism, colonialism, capitalism, and displacement. 

In Pursuit of Happiness is the title track from Atiim’s 2001 debut album, which found relevance in his 2020 project for the Kennedy Center’s #ArtsAcrossAmerica campaign, curated by Maine based & Pan-African and People Of Color arts incubator ‘Indigo Arts Alliance‘ in partnership with Portland Ovations. This track was re-recorded by Atiim and remixed by JasWho? to give it a new feel.

Here isIn Pursuit of Happiness (D.M. Who?Mix) one of the seven pieces to Destiny Manifest:  

By Ridah